Waiting for your food at a restaurant, waiting to board your plane, or waiting at the doctor’s office. Waiting is unavoidable and once my sister and I had kids those already stressful moments became even more challenging. We agreed we needed a solution that wasn’t just always handing our kids a screen. We wanted something easy to grab. Easy to pack. Reusable. Reasonably priced. Screen-free. Educational. Totally independent. Entertaining.
Unfortunately, what we wanted just wasn’t out there. So, my sister and I put our heads together and immediately started brainstorming. As moms and educators, we knew we wanted to create something for our kids with different learning styles in mind and with the goal of learning through play. Over time, we came up with a variety of hands-on activities and materials. We observed our kids playing with the many unique activities and games we created paying close attention to what worked and what didn’t. We both continued to have more kids and slowly fine-tuned our creations to keep our little ones entertained. After years of enjoying making toys for our kids, we decided we wanted to make toys for your kids!
We hope our learning toys can ‘hit the shelves’ in a few months. Until then we thought a little teaser would be fun, so here are the names of our first 5 products: Rainbow Sticks, One Smart Cookie, Write and Wipe, Playing with Poms and Finger Dots. Each one will feature one-of-a-kind activities focusing on a different set of skills. Stay tuned…